Device Drivers
Responsive Data Systems provides a set of device drivers that have been certified by IBM as “StoreProven” device drivers. These “Store Proven” device drivers allow the attachment of your choice of cash register peripherals. Support exists for cash drawers, pole displays, receipt printing, check franking, check MICR reading, check face printing, MSR readers, signature capture devices, debit pin pads, and intelligent laser scanning. The device drivers from Responsive Data Systems are designed to work in conjunction with the OPOS drivers supplied by the various Point of Sale hardware vendors.
IBM or non-IBM – You make the call
The advantage of Responsive Data Systems’ device drivers is that you are free to choose whether you want or run “top of the line” IBM Cash Register devices, or less expensive devices made by other hardware vendors. Regardless of your choice of register hardware, and regardless of the platform that you select to run your Competitive Edge point of Sale solution, the Responsive Data Systems device drivers will allow you to utilize all of your point of sales peripherals while interactively processing your sales transaction.
Mix and match hardware brands
Utilizing the OPOS standard for device drivers, allows the Competitive Edge user to select the manufacturer, model and specific features desired for each Point of Sale Device. Older point of sale devices can be used until the end of their productive life and replaced with newer devices when they ultimately fail. The Responsive Data Systems’ device drivers support major vendor lines of cash register devices, (such as IBM and NCR), as well as PC Register devices such as those made by Ithaca, Indiana Cash Drawer, and Ultimate Technologies. Nearly any Point of Sale devices can be used in any combination at the point of sale.
Real time Point of Sale Device Integration
Responsive Data Systems has developed a set of service programs that allow the integration of the point of sale devices into any back office platform interactively. These integrated service programs allow real time processing with total access to the back office data base without the need for end of day polling.